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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few of the most commonly asked pre-sales questions about our software.


1. Is MicroStaffer a Web Based System? MicroStaffer is .NET Web Based.  It is the only Medical Staffing application that offers itself in three deployment modes ranging from pure .NET Web Browser application to traditional self-hosted Client Server system.

Option 1 Web Hosted .NET:  Your system will be hosted on our servers and accessed using Microsoft Internet Explorer (7-9).  All that is required is an internet connection and you can access the system anywhere, anytime.  This is our Browser Based Web application.

Option 2 Cloud RDS Hosted: Ideal solution for low-bandwidth customers.  Install an RDS icon on your desktop or acces via Web Page.  MicroStaffer runs like any Windows application but via the Internet.

Both Option 1 and 2 can be mixed and matched since both are hosted on MicroStaffer servers with Grand Central Station Technologies of Shrevport, LA.

Option 3 Traditional Self Hosted Client Server: This deployment allows you to host MicroStaffer on your own corporate servers.  Great solution for larger IT savvy companies that want data and systems in-house only.

2. Is MicroStaffer for Medical Staffing Agencies? Yes! MicroStaffer is designed specifically for medical staffing agencies who offer shift based staffing for clients and need to monitor nurse accreditation at the point of scheduling. There is finally a solution for Medical Staffing Agencies to replace their pen-and-paper based methods or less capable software applications.

3. Will MicroStaffer automatically keep me informed of my staff's upcoming accreditations expirations? Yes! Being medical specific, MicroStaffer monitors all your staffs upcoming license, certifications, and health related expirations, and it alerts you at at the point of scheduling. If you are scheduling a nurse and they have an upcoming or expired item in their personnel file, you are immediately notified before you book the shift. You can even email an alert to the individual to request updated paperwork. You can also run daily, weekly, or monthly reports on any license or certifications that are about to expire.  There is even a startup window that displays all expirations in one single list and a Dashboard for a quick list of expirations.

4. How do you handle Training of MicroStaffer? Training is usually Web Based and broken into 2-3 hour sessions.  On-site training is also offered.  There is also a Web Based online help system.

5. How do you handle Installation of MicroStaffer? You will need to install the Appeon Active X accellerator for MicroStaffer .NET browser based access.  Both Web and Cloud sytems are accessible from the MicroStaffer .NET customer portal page.

Each customer is given a unique company key to access the portal page.

For traditional Client Server systems installed on the customer's servers we offer SQL Server Express edition, a full installation guide and online installation help.

6. How can our On-Call people access the System?  What about Regional offices?
With both our .NET Web Browser or Cloud service deployment your users will be able to access the system anywhere/anytime.  All that's needed is an internet connection.

7. We have several regional offices throughout the Country.  How can we separate each of these but still get company wide reports?
MicroStaffer's Regions option allows you to assign Employees, Clients and Users to user-defined regions.  Once assigned, users will only see employee, client and staffing information that pertains to their specific regions.  However, managers can log into MicroStaffer and get company wide reports. 

8. What about Maintenance of MicroStaffer?
All updates for  MicroStaffer .NET and Cloud based users is done automatically.  No software to install.  All upgrades are invisible to the users.
Databases are backed up locally and remotely every night.

For client server in-house hosted systems, customers are responsible for backing up their own systems.  Updates are published on the MicroStaffer Web Site upgrades page.

9. How quickly can I be up and running? Your MicroStaffer .NET system can be set up in less than 1 hour

10. What are the system requirements to run MicroStaffer? MicroStaffer .NET running in Inetrnet Explorer requires at least 1 GB Ram and we recommend Windows 7 or higher.

For Cloud access any version of Windows XP or higher and an internet connection.

Please contact us for information on system requirements for Client Server deployemnt.

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