User freindly and intuitive staffing calendars are the core
of MicroStaffer's scheduling component.
Calendar View
Staffing Sheet View
Just a few of the scheduling
point-and-click Staffing Calendars and Browsers.
and pasting, drag-and-drop of orders and shifts.
Copy entire
schedules, e-mail confirmations and schedules.
skill and availability matching, seamless navigation.
Open multiple
schedules at one time, color coded shifts.
Text messaing of sheduling
chagnes and confirmations.
ticklers warning you of expired information, scheduling
conflicts and incompatibilities.
The MicroStaffer Scheduling
Calendar view gives you a quick and complete overview of your
schedule on a shift basis for that individual client. It offers
drag and drop capabilities to streamline the scheduling process
by simply clicking on an individuals name, and dragging them
to another shift and date on the calendar!
MicroStaffer - Web Based Medical Staffing Software for Staffing and Scheduling Agencies
Copyright 2024 DCT Computer Systems, Inc.
6595 Monterey Point
Naples, FL 34105